Father's Day Craft: Place Mat.
Note: You'll need to find a store that has a laminating machine. Call school supplies stores and if that fails call craft shops.
Items needed: Colored construction paper, markers, stickers, scissors, glue, picture of child with dad. Optional: Child friendly ink pad. Have them wash hand immediately after using pad.
On a piece of construction paper about the size of a place mat have your child paint or draw a picture of their dad. Next to it have them draw a heart, or below it write a personal message (I love you Dad. Thanks for taking time to play baseball with me. Or: World's Best Dad…). Your child can also cut out designs (bowling balls/baseball/tie…) from colored construction paper. Place along top and bottom of mat. Funny/smiley stickers can be added, or your child can put their hand print in a corner. A nice touch is gluing a picture or two of your child and their dad on the mat as well.
You can also create a theme mat. If your husband is a football fan, have your child draw a picture of their dad scoring a touch down. Put stickers of football helmets around edges of mat. Glue a picture of your child playing football with their dad on the mat underneath handmade picture.
When done making mat, take place it to a store for it to be laminated (plastic coating on front and back). The plastic coating makes it easy to wipe crumbles and coffee off of it.