Movie Title: Night at the Museum, Battle of the Smithsonian. Rated PG. Maybe it got the PG rating for the non-bloody battle scenes between the museum wax works. Maybe it wanted a PG rating. I don't know. I saw it with two boys and their eight-year-old cousin. She wasn't scared in the least. Now I was a little worried about seeing this movie. I heard it wasn't nearly as good as the first. When you see a movie without high expectations and it's not as bad as you thought it might be, you consider yourself fortunate. This is how I felt about this film. In this movie there are some amusing dialogs; the tiny Roman Emperor and his tiny cowboy friend were fun to watch; and King Tut's evil brother was absolutely hilarious. He stole the movie. However, the ending was a bit too pat. And not very believable. Maybe Mr. Stiller should have asked kids if they thought the ending was plausible. Two kids I know agreed with each other that they wouldn't give up being super rich just to be a night guard. All in all, don't be afraid like I was, about renting this movie. It's worth renting.
Movie plot: Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) is no longer a night guard at the history museum. His simple minded inventions have made him rich. He visits his old hunting ground, the history museum. He finds out the wax works are being put in deep storage at the Smithsonian for more modern technology. Larry takes it upon himself to do something about this. When he gets to Washington DC he sees the wax works have come alive at the Smithsonian. Larry must keep King Tut's brother, Napoleon, Al Capone and a Russian noble from taking over the Smithsonian and possibly the world. The wax work, Amelia Earhart, helps Larry accomplish this.