Movie Title: Road to Morocco. Comedy. Rated- Family movie. This is my favorite of the “Road Trip” movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby.
Two stowaways Jeff (Bing Crosby) and Orville (Bob Hope) survive a ship freight wreak on the high seas. They end up in North Africa on a wooden raft. Jeff and Orville head for Morocco on a camel that finds them. Once there Jeff sells Hope as a slave for food. Orville is sold to a beautiful princess (Dorothy Lamour). She wants to marry Orville because of a prophecy that foretold her first husband would die. Orville has no idea about the death prophecy. He naively thinks the princess is captivated by his good looks and charming personality. Hope and Crosby try doing their infamous patty-cake routine to get out of trouble. Road to Morocco is lots of fun.