Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Overeating Tip
A friend of mine says she eats a small amount of foods like cheese and nuts, or has a glass of milk to make her feel full. She said the fats in these foods make her satisfied so she won’t snack on cookies or potatoes chips. After talking to her I read an article from a doctor who said that if you want to lose weight you have to eat foods that give you fuel and satisfy your appetite rather than just eating surgery fruits (peaches, plums, yes even apples) or eating lettuce and carrots all day. He said people need to have more natural fats. It will make you full and give you energy. Yes, these types of foods do have more calories but he pointed out if don’t have enough calories you won’t feel like exercising because your body is lacking fuel. Which can backfire. When you eat well you give your body fuel and energy to exercise for a fit, toned body. He said what my brother told me years ago, “Stop eating when you are full.” Which is hard when you have cookies around. (You might want someone to hide them from you.) Also, think about this? Are you eating the cookies because you are famished or because you crave something sweet? When you are full, but just want to eat anyway, chew tasty gum, or leave the room that has food in it and start a project to keep your mind off eating more. Another hint: Eat before you are famished so you don’t over eat and regret it. Plus eat, and then wait a bit. You might find you are satisfied with only a sandwich if you give yourself time to feel satisfied. If you hurry and eat a sandwich, then eat a banana, a plum, and four cookies you haven’t given your body to be satisfied with just the sandwich or the sandwich and banana. Also, drink water before you eat. It fills you up. If you forget before a meal at least drink water with the meal.