1) Child’s Christmas Arts and Craft Dinner Centerpiece.
What you need: Styrofoam three inches tall in any shape you desire, circle, square, oval or rectangle. You the parent can cut the Styrofoam with a shape knife to the shape desired. Red, green, gold, or silver paint. Paint brush. Pretty leaves. The day you plan to use centerpiece cut flowers, twigs with leaves or berries and/or ivy vines. Place stems in water.
What to do: Paint Styrofoam. Let dry. Then just before dinner, or a half an hour before, stick fresh flowers, and twigs in Styrofoam in a pretty fashion. If you see Styrofoam base peeking through you can cover it with leaves or ivy vines. Put centerpiece on dinner table.
2) Tip for dog owners- do not give turkey bones or chicken bones to your dog. They can get caught in their throat and they can choke on them. I don't recommend lamb bones either. A nice old man kept giving them to my dog and she would get sick. I had to politely tell him what was happening. Ask your butcher or veterinarian what bones they recommend for dogs.