Thursday, November 4, 2010
Book Review- Useful Picture Book for Family Coping with Cancer
Book for parents to read with their kids. "The Hope Tree, Kids Talk about Breast Cancer," by Laura Numeroff and Wendy S. Harpham. Illustrated by David McPhail. Quality illustration. Pictures don't have to pop out at you to be appealing, but they have to be inviting to the reader. They should invoke a reaction. Elicit an emotion: Joy. Sadness. A chuckle. Or just an admiration that the pictures are so exceptionally well drawn. If the pictures are lifeless the reader (or young listener) might not want to keep turning the page. This picture book left a lasting impression on me. It has pages of real kids (with name and age) sharing their feelings about, and reactions to, their mom's breast cancer. A few kids also disclose what they have done to make things easier for their mom. Knowing other kids feel the same way as them can help a scared or worried child. If you know a family with a mom with breast cancer I recommend this book. The pictures are priceless.