Movie Title: Hoodwinked. Rated PG. Animation with songs. As an adult animation films aren't something I run out and see. But this is a movie both adults and kids can enjoy together without their parents looking at their watches to see how much longer it's going to be. Main plot: There's a thief in the forest stealing recipes for goodies, but who is it? Little Red Riding Hood goes to visit her Grandma where she meets a Wolf dressed up as her grandma. In comes a buff wood cutter man. The police come to the house to sort things out. You hear versions of what happened by each of the four characters in the room. Red. Grandma. Wolf. Wood cutter guy.
There's action. There's adventure. There's a daredevil Grandma who's a hoot. The ending chase scene with her snowboarding on a cupcake tin on a wire was terrific. Kids should definitely like this part!