"The Hopscotch Tree," by Leda Siskind. Excellent book. Edith Gold is new in town. A bully picks on her because Edith is the only Jewish girl in her fifth grade class. Edith likes to lay in her bed at night visualizing a special tree at school. She believes this Hopscotch Tree (kids play hopscotch near the tree using its pods as markers) is magical and can bring you luck. The rumor about the special tree gets around school. Soon students from different grades want to know about its special powers. The tree might be special but can it help Edith find out why the bully, Zandra, treats her unkindly?
I have a Jewish friend who said when she was little she lived in a predominantly Christian town. Her family was one of only two Jewish families on her long block. In school her class always said a morning prayer, and every winter there was a Christmas pageant with baby Jesus. My friend said she knew she was different. During one Chanukah week someone threw a rock though the other Jewish family's window. It was aimed at, and hit, their Menorah. This family and my friend's family were unnerved by this violent act. Some Christian neighbors felt bad and purposely put Menorahs in their windows in defiance to this display of intolerance. She said she'll never forget this act of friendship.