Movie Title: Fred Claus. Rated PG. Christmas comedy. Over all just middle of the road. Not as good as Elf or The Santa Clause. Good story line but it just doesn't hit the mark.
Fredrick Claus makes a promise he will always take care of new his baby brother Nicklaus. But as Nick grows up he seems to always outshine Fred making him jealous. Nick is so generous and kind he becomes a saint. The story goes if you become a saint you and your family become eternally ageless. Flash forward to present time. Fred is a mean, embittered man. He works for a repo company. He lies and steals. He ends up in jail. Fred calls his brother for bail money. Nick gives him the bail money but says he has to visit him and work to pay the money off. Fred visits his brother. An efficiency expert comes to the North Pole and tells Santa the board might have to shut him down. He's going to monitor Santa's operation. Three mistakes/strikes and he's out. Fred has to help save Christmas.