Grasshopper Pie
(And no, it doesn't really have grasshoppers in it)
First buy or make 8-9 inch pie crust.
Ingredients you need for pie filling:
25 large marshmallows
1 cup of whipped cream
½ a cup of milk
3 tablespoons of Crème de Menthe (this is liquor)
2 tablespoons of Crème de Cacao (this is liquor)
3 drops of green food coloring
Pour milk into mixing bowl. Melt marshmallows (in another container). Once melted add marshmallows to milk. Stir in Crème de Menthe and Crème de Cacao. Add drops of food coloring to mixture. Fold in whipped cream. Pour in pie crust. Freeze pie overnight. Serve frozen.