This ice cream pie recipe is as easy to make as 1, 2, 3, 4. Kids love this tasty dessert and they can help make it!
What you need: Small package of chocolate cookies with cream centers; ice cream of your choice; chocolate syrup; half a stick of real butter (1/2 a cup); can of whipped cream (or a bag of it with a roseate tip); pie pan; mixing bowl; two spoons; heavy duty freezer bag; rolling pin; toothpicks; cherries (optional); sprinkles (optional); and aluminum foil.
What to do:
1- Put cookies in heavy duty freezer bag. (You want to make enough crumbs to fill bottom of pie pan one inch thick.) Seal freezer bag. Roll over it with rolling pin again and again. Add butter. Mix together with spoon. Now fill bottom of pie pan with crumbs. Next place whole cookies straight up all around edge of pan. This is nice for serving purposes because each person can have a slice of pie as big as one or one and half cookie edges.
2- Put ice cream in mixing bowl and let ice cream soften. (Do NOT mix by using a regular mixing bowl because the consistency will not come out right.) Keep hitting middle of ice cream in bowl with a hard wooden spoon to soften it. The edges will melt. Do not use this liquid. Put it in a cup and place in freezer or let your child drink it. When ice cream is soft enough put in pie pan and smooth over nicely. Your child can make funny designs in ice cream with a toothpick. Or they can sprinkle candy sprinkles on pie.
3- Using the whipped cream make small quick dots all around edge of pie. Make one dot in direct middle of pie. If you know how to use a bag of whipped cream create small rosettes all around pie pan. Place one rose in middle.
4- In the dot/rose in the middle of pie place a cherry (ones with stems are nice). Drizzle chocolate syrup in an overlapping O pattern, from mid cherry to edge of whipped cream dots. Go all around pie. When done place cherries in each and every whipped cream dot/rosette. To keep ice cream pie nice looking until you eat it, put toothpicks in pie and cover with aluminum foil. Toothpicks make sure foil does not mess up ice cream pie. Place ice cream pie in freezer until ready to eat. Enjoy!