Movie Title: Crocodile Dundee. Comedy. Rated PG-13. Note the PG-13, it's not for young kids. Has scary crocodile scene and risqué humor. I saw this movie when it first came out and again maybe six years later, and lately. When it came out I thought the movie was cute. When I watched it again for this review I saw it was somewhat outdated and a tad slow moving (I actually had to restrain myself from cleaning a spot in the rug so I could give the movie my full attention since I was going to review it). Some movies can be outdated and still be a classic; this is not one of them. Also, maybe I've been spoiled by watching Animal Planet. Seeing a movie where the hero saves someone from a fake looking Croc doesn't do much for me now. However, the premise of the movie is solid. A rugged Australian outdoorsman who has never been to a big city goes to New York City.
The story starts off with pretty New York City journalist, Sue, going to the Australian outback to interview a safari business owner, Mick (Paul Hogan). He supposedly had a dangerous encounter with a giant crocodile in the wild, but lived to tell the tale. After following Mick to the river where the tale in happened, Sue convinces him to come to New York. This is where the movie is supposed to rise on the funny meter. A country boy adapting to a big city. The movie has its moments but I wouldn't tell people they should see it. When it first came out I did. But like I already wrote it’s dated. I wouldn't cross it off your movie rental list if it's already there. You might like it. I know I did almost twenty years ago.