Candied Almond Recipe for Parents/Grandparents to bake with a teenager. The ingredients get hot so this is a cooking project to do with your teen, NOT your young child. But younger siblings will like the end result.
Ingredients you will need:
2 cups of almonds
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
2 tablespoons butter
1 and ½ tablespoons cinnamon
You will also need:
Big spoon
2 cookie sheets
Non-stick cooking spray or butter for cookie sheet
Metal spaghetti spoon (spoon with holes in it)
Metal spatula
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Spread almonds out on cookie sheet.
Place in oven.
Bake for 15 minutes depending on your oven. Watch almonds so they don’t burn. Flip them over every so often so they roast on both sides.
In saucepan put honey and butter. Melt them on medium heat. When melted, reduce heat to medium-low. Let simmer for 2 ½ minutes. Stir occasionally.
Add roasted almonds to saucepan. Stir occasionally for 2 ½ minutes.
Spray other cookie sheet with cooking spray or rub butter on it.
With metal spaghetti spoon transfer almonds to sprayed or buttered cookie sheet.
Now add cinnamon and sugar to saucepan. Stir then carefully add almonds again to saucepan. Stir more.
After cinnamon and sugar is evenly coated on almonds place them back on oiled cookie sheet. Put in broiler for several seconds so sugar can caramelize.
With metal spatula take almonds off cookie sheet and put on plate. Let cool!
Do not let children under three have nuts. They can choke. Watch your older child (age three to five) eat the almonds to make sure they don’t choke on them.