Movie Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Rated PG. I was reluctant to watch this movie because I heard it wasn't very good. And true to what I heard it wasn't very good. It wasn't even okay. It was boring. I cringed while watching it. I'd rather clean the cupboards than have to watch this movie again. To be honest I never liked the cartoon Rocky and Bullwinkle. But still this movie was absolutely mind-numbingly dull. It was totally unexciting. I don’t recommend renting it.
Fearless Leader and two of his Russian cohorts, Boris and Natasha, turn from cartoon characters to actual people. They try to kill cartoon characters Rocky and Bullwinkle, a squirrel and a moose. Fearless leader wants to take over the government and he wants the American people to vote for him as their leader. With the help of a female FBI agent, Rocky and Bullwinkle make a pitch to the American people to vote for who they want.