Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Movie Review: Back to the Future II
Movie Title: Back to the Future II. Rated PG. Adventure-Comedy. Not as good as the first film, but watchable. Marty needs to go to the future, 2015, to stop his son from being bullied into committing a crime. While in the future Marty gets an idea. He takes a sports almanac to take back to the past to be able to bet on races that have won. Doc tells him he shouldn't do it. Meanwhile Marty's father's old nemesis gets the same idea as Marty. He steals the Delorean and takes the sports almanac to his young self back in the 1950's. This alters all their futures. Marty and Doc must go back to the 1950's to retrieve the almanac to redo the future. Interesting plot, but Marty's son is annoying as a wimp. What I did like was the flying skateboards. Marty has a really cool scene riding it though town to escape the boys bullying his son. It's interesting that someone thought we might have flying cars by 2015. I serious doubt this will happen. But it was fun to watch.