Movie Title: Back to the Future. Rated PG. Adventure-Comedy. I think the movie is for older kids, twelve on up. It has about 5 offensive words, but what's worse is there's a scene with a boy trying to get a girl in a car for the wrong purposes. (Who wants to try explaining that to their eight or nine-year-old?)
The movie plot is interesting and it's well paced. The film keeps your attention throughout it. I enjoyed Back to the Future both as an older kid and as an adult. The movie is about high-schooler Marty McFly (played by Michael J. Fox) who has a dad with a confidence problem. The dad has a low opinion of himself due to the town bully whose been bothering him since they were kids. Marty is friends with the town eccentric, Doc. He's an inventor who creates a time machine inside a DeLorean (car). He plans to drive into the past or future in style. As Doc is showing Marty the car, a van full of Lebanese comes after Doc. (He was supposed to make them a bomb that actually worked.) Fleeing the Lebanese, Marty gets in the car and drives back into the past. He meets his parents and changes the course of their future. A classic scene is Marty's mom calling him Calvin because that's what his underwear tag says. Overall Back to the Future is a fun movie.