Monday, November 16, 2009
Book Review
"The Thanksgiving Story" by Alice Dalgliesh. Illustrated by Helen Sewell. A book for third to fourth graders. Tis true there isn't a lot of Thanksgiving books in the library compared to other books, but even still I would pass on this book. You do learn information about the pilgrims but it was given in a boring manner. It was so boring in fact I took a look at the copyright date and wasn't surprised it was 1954. The book overall could have been more exciting. There are some new writers and illustrators today who take that to heart. If you want children to read about history then make it fun! I have to state it was noted in the author's notes in this book that the text and pictures were purposely made simple. I got her point. It was a simpler time when the Pilgrims lived in America. But unfortunately I still thought the pictures were blah. And the text just hum-drum. Which makes me wonder, since personally I don't think it's the best of childrens books and the book was written so long ago just why is it still in the library?