I love old movies. Especially 1930's to 1950's slapstick. But some parents find it inappropriate for their children due to the physical humor like face slapping, shoving things in people's faces, tripping others, and eye poking. I do not like an excess of it myself. I talked to two teachers about old slapstick movies. We all agreed the Three Stooges go too far with their physical humor because they have more than the average inappropriate physical humor. One of the two teachers thought Abbott and Costello went too far as well, the other did not agree. This is my take: I like Abbott and Costello, but I think their face slapping and poking is wrong. Therefore before I let a child watch their movies I tell the child my view. As of yet I have not had a child I have known see their movies and start face slapping. But if I thought they would do such behavior I would not let them see these types of movies. You know your child. If you think your child would start copying inappropriate behavior do not let them watch movies like these. Watch a movie first. If you approve of it, then let your child see it.
As far as Abbott and Costello I know when watching one with a child I will not have to worry about nudity, adult themes, serious violence with blood dripping everywhere, cussing and so much more. I actually brought this up to the teacher who did not approve of Abbott and Costello. I stated why is it she would let her kids watch "ET", which in my mind has a couple of very inappropriate words (one of which one little boy started using to the horror of his nanny who was my friend), but she was concerned about Abbott and Costello movies which have no crude jokes or offensive words? She said she saw my point but was still sticking to her no Abbott and Costello movies rule due to face slapping and other physical contact. I saw her point, but I still think Abbott and Costello movies are less offensive than PG and PG13 movies now. So folks each to their own family rules. I suggest you watch an Abbott and Costello movie without your children first and make up your own mind. But do note some Abbott and Costello movies have more physical contact than others.