Movie Title: Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion. Comedy. Un-Rated. I really like the cubby sweet Costello and his comic routines with Abbott. This is for middle school age children and older! It is a prim example of slapstick. There is a lot of physical contact, throwing, pushing, etc. I wish there were less. If you do not approve of slapstick, skip this movie. If you have a child who might copy this behavior, skip this movie.
The story starts off with Bud Abbott and Lou Costello as wrestling promoters. They borrowed $5,000 from the syndicate, AKA loan sharks, to have a wrestler come from Algeria to America. But the wrestle now wants to go back to his homeland. Bud and Lou follow the wrestler to Algeria hoping to bring him back. While there the buddies bump into some shady characters. Out of luck, money, and in a foreign land, they try losing the suspicious men by following some soldiers into a building. Bud and Lou sign their name to some papers thinking it is for accommodations in the building. In actuality they just joined up for a five year stint in the Foreign Legion. Some funny dialog follows. My favorite scene: At a slave auction Costello keeps waving to a Sheik who he thinks is waving at him. In reality by moving his hand Costello is raising the bid.