Movie Title: Lemony Snicket's, A Series of Unfortunate Events. Children's movie. Rated PG. Not for young kids due to the repetition of strange deaths. Based on a children's book series. Sadly, two children and their baby sister suddenly are orphaned. Their parents died in a fire. They go live with mean Count Olaf (superbly played by Jim Carrey) who makes them do all sorts of chores while trying to get their inheritance from them. The children then go live with other people. Strangely, whenever the kids get settled with one person that individual has an untimely demise. Could the villainous Count Oalf be behind it?
The children are likable and you, the viewer, soon are caught up worrying about their future. Children at home think it's funny that Sunny, the baby, likes to chew on furniture. Adults shouldn't worry about finding this movie boring.