Saturday, March 27, 2010
Movie Review
Movie Title: The little Princess. Children's movie. Rated G. Based on the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The movie takes place in 1800's England, during the Boer War. Main character, Sara Crewe (Shirley Temple in the 1930's version), is a spoiled rich girl. Her father is an army officer. While he fights in the war Sara is to live at a boarding school run by a callous money-minded headmistress. Sara is showered with gifts and is given biased treatment at the school. That is until the headmistress learns Sara's father could be dead. Since money won't be coming in to pay for her schooling and care, Sara must give up her fine bedroom and live in the attic. She is made to work for her food and keep. Though Sara might be an orphan now and poor, her shift in wealth has an up side. She finds the true meaning of friendship with a poor servant girl. A girl so unlike her other self. My favorite part in the movie is when Sara and her new friend wake up to find the attic bedroom transformed into splendor. It was done by a generous Indian neighbor. This is a great movie for little girls.