Movie Title: Kidnapped. Adventure. Based on the book by Robert Louis Stevenson. There are many versions. I've seen two and rating wise both were pretty mild.
Plot: Before a poor Scottish boy's father dies he reveals to his boy, Davy, that he is actually not poor. Once the father is buried (his wife is already deceased) the boy is to see his uncle and a certain lawyer. Davy visits his uncle first. However, the uncle is greedy and does not want Davy to have his inheritance. Before the boy can get to the lawyer his uncle sells him into slavery to a mean ship captain. However, a bonnie Scottish soldier happens to get on the ship giving Davy hope they might escape. This is sure to meet the standards of any child who loves high adventure. But this movie is not for girls or boys who are very young (6 to 8) they might get bored with the plot. And the movie has no comic relief. It is pure adventure.