Science Day: See how your mind can get confused by a simple word test. I've done this activity with several kids and it is one of their favorites.
What you will need: Two white sheets of computer paper. Four crayons: Red, yellow, purple, and blue. Stop watch or the use of a nearby clock.
Parents on the first sheet of paper write the word red with the red crayon, the word yellow with the yellow crayon, the word purple with the purple crayon, and the word blue with the blue crayon. On the other sheet of paper write the word yellow with the red crayon, the word red with the purple crayon, the word blue with the red crayon, and the word purple with blue crayon. Show your child the second sheet of paper first. Time how fast your child says the color of the word. They will most likely get confused by the color drawn being different than word written out. Time them again using the first sheet. They should say the colors quicker this time because the name of the color corresponds with its actual color.