First installment of Dog Days Of Summer. Tips for Dog Owner's and thier families.
Are you tired of paying for doggy poop bags for when you go on a walk with your dog? If yes, then here are ways to save. 1) If you get a newspaper delivered to your home, save the wrapping it comes in and use it instead. Tie to leash handle. (I put two on my dog's leash in case she has to do her business twice.) 2) Bread bags can be used the same way. Bonus is they aren't as clear. Plus, being extra long it makes for easy pick up. (3) Use plastic grocery bags. And since they are white people are less able to see inside. With any of these plastic bags make sure they don't have rips or holes in them or you'll be sorry later.
Need a place to put all your plastic bags until you need them? If you get milk in half gallon plastic containers save one. Wash it out really well and cut a big hole in its side. Put your plastic bags in this hole for easy access. Place masking tape around holes edges so you and your children don't cut yourselves when you put your hand inside.