Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Science Experiment Day
Science Day: Use a cup you can throw away. Fill cup up with carbonated cola. Have your child put a penny in the soda. You can do the same with a nickel at the same time. Three days later, using a spoon, see how the penny looks (and nickel if you did it). Put penny back in soda to soak. Fifth day: See how penny looks. Day seven: Look at penny again. Can you see a difference in the coins corrosion rate due to being different metals? I did. I knew a science teacher who did this experiment with her class to bring it on home how drinking lots of soda is not a great thing to do. She told her class to pretend the penny was their teeth. Now of course you would not soak your teeth for seven days in soda, but she was trying to make a point about how drinking lots of soda can have an adverse affect on the enamel on your teeth.