Movie Title: Beethoven's Big Break. Rated PG. Comedy-dog movie. An assistant animal trainer is working on the set of a movie when the star of the movie, Frizzy, gets dog-napped. A ransom of 1 million dollars is wanted. The assistant is blamed for letting the dog get stolen and is fired. At the same time this is happening, the assistant's son has a St. Bernard follow him home. He names him Beethoven because the dog likes classical music. The boy's dad doesn't want to keep the dog. On the way to taking him to a shelter the assistant stops by his old work to pick up some stuff. An audition is going on for a new star of the movie he was working on. Beethoven gets out of the car and manages to get the starring role. The assistant animal trainer now gets the job of main trainer, his ex-boss's job. His ex-boss is fired. Which is okay, since unbeknownst to the producer he's the one who had Frizzy stolen. Out of nowhere Beethoven goes and looks for his three puppies. The dad takes Beethoven and his pups home, where they wreak havoc. Beethoven does the same on the movie set. The director thinks Beethoven stealing bacon and jumping on a dinner table is funny so he's a hit. However, Frizzy's dog-nappers steal Beethoven. They send a ransom note to the producer for 1 million dollars.
That's all I'll tell. But the movie has a happy ending. The movie is for kids and adults. The dad in the movie is a single dad and he meets a female script writer. I think that was put in for the adults. Kids should like the shenanigans of Beethoven. His pups are adorable. Which is why I'm sure they were put in the movie. Kids who like big dogs should like this movie. It's not HA HA really funny. But it has it's moments of zaniness.