Pool Safety-
If you have a home pool please put a fence around it so kids can't accidentally fall in. A fence is also helpful if you have pets that can't swim. If you have very young kids make sure the pool gate has a lock. And teach your kids to swim at an early age. Also, if you have a pool take a CPR class. As a former CPR instructor I can't stress enough that you should know what to do after you rescue a child from a pool. And don't let parents who drink alcohol be a pool lifeguard/watch kids in pool.
Swim Tip-
At age five I didn't want to learn to swim because I didn't want to put my face underwater. Here's how I was persuaded to do so. The swim instructor put small tootsie rolls on the second step of the pool. I needed to get my face wet in order to get the candy. Since my mom didn't give us kids many sweets this was a big incentive for me to put my head underwater. Soon the tootsie rolls were on the bottom of the shallow end and I was diving under to get them. My sister-in-law tried this with her daughter who didn't want to put her face underwater. It worked as well. You might want to try plastic wrapped candy that won't get wet. Buy a candy your child likes. If you don't want to use candy you can buy cheap little plastic toys. But make sure your child likes them or they won't be willing to put their face underwater to get them.