Movie Title: The Nutty Professor. Comedy. 1963 version starring Jerry Lewis. This is my favorite Jerry Lewis movie without Dean Martin. In this movie Jerry Lewis shows he can be a one man show. Eddie Murphy stars in another version of this movie in which he plays many of the characters. But Mr. Murphy's main character goes a bit over the top when he turns into a ladies man. The 1963 version is milder.
In the 1963 version, a mild mannered chemistry teacher, Julius (Jerry Lewis), has the social skills of a bumbling buffoon. He goes ape over a woman, but lacks the charisma to win her heart. Or so he thinks. Julius puts his chemistry knowledge to use and creates a potion to make him suave and debonair. He calls his new personality, Buddy Love. But the potion keeps wearing off at the most inopportune times. Will Julius ever find true love? Of course, it's a movie.
Young kids who like cartoon movies might find this movie boring. But older kids should fine it amusing.