Have your child create a big card for a loved one.
What your child needs: Red, pink and lavender (if you don’t have lavender, purple will do) construction paper; scissors; pencil; glue stick; Red Hots candy; and hard Valentine’s heart candy with words on them (Love Ya, #1 Dad, Be my Valentine…).
Fold red paper in half. With scissors, using the closed edge side of paper, cut in shape of half a heart. What you’re trying to achieve is, a hole in the shape of a heart when paper is opened. When done glue this heart on top of lavender or purple construction paper. Cut out tiny pink hearts and glue on edges of red paper. Now for the really fun part. Have your child draw a heart inside middle of red heart. Following the heart they just drew, glue with Red Hots. (Let your child have a few if you plan on doing this project. This is part of the fun. Mind you the Red Hots have a spicy cinnamon taste.) Inside the area of the Red Hots have your child place the candy hearts. If they can’t read tell them what each says. Tell your child once glued candy can not be eaten. Place on Mom, Dad’s, or Granddad’s breakfast place setting on Valentines Day.