Friday, February 25, 2011
Does your Child get Hungry when you Shop?
Parents curb hunger melt downs by making sure your child eats BEFORE you leave the house with them. If you need to take them shopping bring healthy snacks. (Keep a few granola bars or mini boxes of cheerios in the car in a shady area for emergency hunger pains.) DO NOT give your child soda on an empty stomach. When some parents are in a hurry they might buy their child a quick soda thinking it will give them an energy boost. However, after the initial boost it will give them a let down, and you could end up with an ill-humored child. I know a former Brownie Troop leader who noticed when parents brought super surgery drinks for their little girls they would get grumpy and whiny 15-20 minutes after having these drinks. Other parents started noticing this when she bought this to their attention. Track this with your own child.