Movie Title: Secretariat. A Disney family movie which is a horse flick. Rated PG (it had some bad language which seemed to me to be put in to get a PG rating.) Based on true life events. I highly, highly recommend this movie for kids ages 9 and up, and adults. It was a really well made movie. The cinematography, especially the shots of the race horses, was excellent.
Plot: Penny, a wife and mother, wants to keep her father’s horse ranch after he dies. Her husband and brother don’t share this idea. With the help of a trainer (who wears wild print shorts) and a top notch jockey, Penny saves the ranch by racing a horse named Secretariat. Secretariat is different than other horses. He likes to start out in the back and break out to win his races. It’s an exciting movie because Penny takes risks concerning her horse and ranch, and manages to succeed.