Monday, August 10, 2009
Summer Game for Bored Kids
Summer is winding down if you hear "I'm sooo bored, Mom," from your child, play this memory game with them. Parent: Collect different objects from your house. Don't let your child see what you pick. The items should be small enough to fit on a tray, but a couple of bigger items are okay as well. Hair clip, ribbon, cup, book, acorn, tie, key, etc. Depending on the age of your child pick seven to fifteen items. Put the items on the tray. Give your child thirty seconds to look at the items. Then take away tray. Next, have them write down what they saw, or if they can't write yet, have them tell you what they saw. If it was too easy for them, challenge them with less time or more items. At dinner praise their efforts with the game to your husband or wife. You might find if you do this your child will want to play the memory game again. Children like praise. And brain exercises like this are good for children.