Curb Sibling Fighting Before it gets Out of Hand
Do your children frequently fight? Is it getting out of control? If the answers are yes, let's do something about it.
Identify what leads up to the fighting. Does it begin with one child teasing the other? If so nip it in the bud. Tell the offender that teasing will not be tolerated. Take swift action. The teaser loses computer time or their Ipod for the day. Make your children see you mean business. Do not give second chances. This will help you down the road. Let's say you are in a busy airport. You do not have time to take care of plane tickets and play mediator to a fight. If you frequently give second or third chances there is a good chance the fight will continue longer than if you don't. Your children know from past experiences if you're serious or not. In the end, the faster you can get things under control the better it will be for all. Your kids won't get wound up more and you won't lose your temper.
If you can identify why your children argue or fight you are on your way to solving it, if you choose. Do your children fight when they are grumpy? Then take a moment to think about when it is they get grumpy. Is it right before lunch when they are hungry? Is it after school when they are tuckered out? Or is it the mornings after they have stayed up late?
Ways to solve fighting and arguing due to grumpiness. If your children (toddlers) are grumpy because they are hungry then don't delay daily meals. If you can't help it because you're in a store at least carry snacks to tide your children over. For after school grumpiness, have your children relax in different rooms, or at least in seperate areas. Do not let them share a couch. This is because even if you put them on separate sides you might turn your back and find one close to the other, annoying them. For morning after a big night grumpiness, solve it by keeping to a bed time. If it's a special occasion and you choose to let your children stay up late then you need to be patient with them the next day. Remember it was YOU who chose to let them stay up late. You can be gentle but firm. "You need to pull it together buddy." Also, have them take a nap and/or go to bed early that night.
In conclusion, if your children fight over food, toys, etc, take action early. Stop the fighting quickly so it doesn't have time to escalate. For your own sanity don't ignore it until it's too late.