Just in time for Halloween. Movie Title: Hocus Pocus. Comedy with witches. Rated PG. The story starts out in the 1600's in Salem, Massachusetts. A teenage boy follows three witches, the Sanderson sisters, to their house where they have taken his sister. To keep themselves young the witches suck the life force out of children. The boy tries saving his sister. While trying to do so the witches put a spell on him, changing him into a black cat. He is to remain this way for all eternity. The Sanderson sisters are hung (As a movie viewer I actually wasn't exposed to it. I only saw their feet swaying.), but before they die they vow to come back.
Flash forward to modern times in Salem, Massachusetts. Lore now has it that on Halloween night a black cat guards the Sanderson house, warning away any person who could make the witch-sisters come back. A new teen in town, Max, doesn't believe in the tale. On Halloween night while taking his pesky younger sister, Danny, Trick-or-Treating, Max meets a girl in his class. They decide to check out the old Sanderson house. Danny has to be persuaded to go along. Once at the witches' old home, Max lights a candle, despite a black cat jumping on him to try to stop him. Lighting the candle brings the witches back to life. The kids and cat run out of the house taking the witches spell book with them. The eldest witch-sister (Bette Milder) is enraged. If the witches can't get the spell book back before dawn and cast a special spell, which includes sucking the life force out of children, the sisters will turn to dust. The three sisters chase the kids all over town in an effort to get the spell book back.
I thought the plot overall was quite good and there are some funny moments. The movie was fast paced enough to keep you interested. Bette Miller does a fine job as the bossy older witch-sister. Jessica Parker is quite funny as the ditsy youngest witch. And the young actress who plays Danny charms you. It's fun to watch her be pesky. Note: There is a zombie in the movie but he is quite harmless. And check out the brooms the sisters fly on throughout the movie.