Movie Title: Return of Nanny Mc Fee. Rated PG. This second movie was definitely not as good as the first. The plot was so-so. The overall budget seemed to be less this time around. The movie was watchable though.
Nanny Mc Fee has come to help out another family. (If you watch the first movie before the second, check out the rattle in the first that the baby holds. It's the same rattle in the second.) The mum in this family is trying to take care of the family farm while her husband is away fighting in the war. Her husband’s brother, who owes gambling debts, tries to get her to sell the farm. But she won't sell. Due to the war her children’s two rich cousins come and live with them. They are the poor relations. Nanny teaches the children five lessons. No fighting. Sharing. Help others. Be brave. And leap of faith.
What was funny in the movie: Pigs doing synchronized swimming.
What wasn't funny and rather troublesome: The kids trying to denote a bomb that fell into their field.