Thursday, September 10, 2009

Movie Review

Movie Title: Fancy Pants. Comedy. Rated G. This Bob Hope vehicle was borrowed, loosely, by a book written by Harry Wilson. (It's as if someone read the book and thought, "This would make a good movie for Bob Hope.") Mr. Hope does a fine job as a bumbling actor pretending to be a butler who later pretends to be an Earl. The havoc that ensues is pure Bob Hope comedy. The movie also stars Lucille Ball from the popular "I Love Lucy" television series. Kids will enjoy the scene when a rival for Ms. Ball's affections rubs Mr. Hope's coat with gravy so dogs will chase him. The dogs chase him all over town. At one point in the movie a song is sung in the kitchen about home cooking which is catchy, but not as catchy as the one Hope sings about buttons and bows from "The Paleface."