Movie Title: No Deposit No Return. Children's movie. Rated G. Plot set up: It's the start of Easter vacation and a sister and a brother living at a boarding school are excited that they're finally going to see their workaholic mom. They rarely see her. However, their mother, who works for a magazine, is detained in Hong Kong. The bummed children are thus sent to stay with their wealthy grandfather. Neither side is fond of each other. On the way to their grandfather's house the kids share a taxi with two likable but bumbling safe crackers (one being a funny Don Knotts). Both need money. The kids for plane tickets to see their mother and the safe crackers to pay off the money they borrowed from a loan shark. The kids trap the safe crackers into pretending they kidnapped them. Both parties hope the kid's wealthy grandfather will pay the ransom note mailed to him.
The plot is great. And in the beginning the movie moves along, but towards the end it drags. For me the car chase goes on too long. And the ending with the safe opening could have been shortened. But the antics of the boy's pet skunk and Don Knotts buffoonery should make your kids laugh.