Movie Title- Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Adapted from the story by Robert May. Narrated by Burl Ives whose character is a snowman. Christmas classic. For kids ages 6 to 9. There is a snow monster which is why I put age 6 to watch it. There is singing so if your child does not like shows with singing skip this short movie. The characters are not human, but they aren't cartoon. The elves remind me of the children in the Disneyland ride It's a Small World. My favorite character in the movie is Herby the elf who wants to be a dentist.
Story line: One of Santa's reindeer, Donner, has a son, Rudolph, who is born with a glowing red nose. The father tries to hide his son's nose with mud. When this doesn't work he has him wear a fake nose. This makes Rudolph talk like he has a cold. Rudolph joins the other little bucks in some reindeer games. When his fake nose comes off the coach tells Rudolph he can't join in the games anymore. Saddened and feeling like a misfit, Rudolph runs away from home with an elf named Herby who also feels like a misfit. Herby doesn't like making toys for Santa. He would rather be a dentist. After getting a sleigh lift from a prospector they narrowly escape from a snow monster by hopping on an ice float. They land on the Island of Misfit Toys. Rudolph runs away by himself and grows up. He then goes back to Christmas Town. A big storm hits. Rudolph saves the day by leading Santa's sleigh with his glowing nose.