Movie Title: Elf. Christmas-Comedy. Rated PG. A great modern Christmas movie. Will Ferrell does an excellent job as a gentle giant elf. His silly antics will make even adults chuckle. The scene with him joining in to sing with a person in the bathroom is pretty funny.
Movie story: One Christmas Eve a baby boy accidentally gets into Santa's present sack. Unaware the baby is there Santa takes him to the North Pole where the baby stays. This small new resident of the Nolth Pole is named Buddy by a kind elf who raises him. When Buddy (Will Ferrell) is older, and a lot taller, Papa Elf tells him that he's not really an elf but a human. Which isn't surprising since Buddy's having a hard time fitting in. Buddy decides to travel to New York City to meet his real dad (James Caan). Unfortunately his real dad doesn't think much of the big happy elf. But a determined, happy-go-lucky Buddy thinks he can change that.