Saturday, December 12, 2009
Movie Review
Movie Title: The Santa Clause. Christmas-Comedy. Rated PG. When a man (Tim Allen) accidentally kills Santa he finds out he has to take the job himself whether he likes it or not. This is where the title's name the Santa "Clause" comes into effect. Tim Allen starts turning into Santa with a white beard, a big belly and a jolly laugh. He isn't too happy about this at first, but then he gets into the spirit of things. The plot is great and Tim Allen does a fine good as a man who's not so crazy about being Santa. Your kids are sure to like this holiday film. So make some popcorn, eat it or make a string of it for the Christmas tree while watching this film. For string of popcorn around the Christmas tree. Do NOT butter popcorn or put salt on it. Put a long single strand of strong thread through a needle. Tie a knot at the top so thread can't come loose from the needle. Push needle through popped corn. When done, cut the needle off the string and tie a knot at both ends.