Movie Title: Flipper. 1960's film. Sea animal movie. Children go swimming in the ocean. One boy lances a dolphin in the side. Fearing the dolphin will die in misery, another boy runs home. He gets a shotgun. And bullets from his bedroom dresser. He plans to kill the dolphin quickly so the animal won't suffer in lingering pain. He runs back to the dolphin. He just can't kill the dolphin. The boy trails it home behind a small boat. The boy and another child find food for the dolphin. A bond builds between the dolphin, Flipper, and the children.
Beautiful underwater shots of the ocean. And the dolphin is cute. But I can't recommend this film because I don't approve of a child having access to a shotgun. And I can't believe he had bullets in his drawer! Yes, the 1960's were another time, but kids should not have access to guns that easily.