Movie Title: The Princess and the Frog. Rated G. Disney movie. Animation with Music. Cute movie. Nice twist on the Fairy tale with the same name. One song about almost being there is rather catchy. The almost being there is in reference to the main character Tiana almost getting her dream of owning her own restaurant.
The movie starts out in New Orleans. Two little girls are friends. One rich, one not. Tiana's mother is a seamstress. When Tiana grows up she's a waitress. She's saved all her tips to buy a restaurant. Now for the handsome prince. He comes to the city and the rich girl's daddy invites him to a party at his house. Tiana cooks the food for the party. While at the party she sees a frog who says he's a prince. He really is. The villain in the movie, the shadow man, turned him into a frog. Then he turned the prince's manservant into a prince. The villain wants the manservant to woo the rich girl and marry her for her money. They will split the money between themselves. Back to Tiana. She kisses the frog to unlock the curse, but she ends up a frog herself. The two frogs become friends and fall in love. They marry and she becomes a princess. When they have the wedding kiss-- you'll have to watch the movie to find out.