Movie Title: Monsters vs. Aliens. Animation. Rated PG. Cartoon Violence. Here's the thing I'm not a fan of cartoons/animation. So I go in with a prejudice mind. An animation movie has to do something special to get me hooked. This movie wasn't bad, it just wasn't super great to me. But the kids I was with liked it.
If like me you aren't an animation fan, have your older kids watch it while you sit nearby knitting or doing work on the computer. Movie Summary: A woman, who is about to get married, gets hit by a meteorite. It makes her grow and grow. To fifty feet tall. She is kidnapped by the government and kept in a secret holding place with other strange creatures. The government has a bit of an alien problem. They promise their monsters their freedom if they stop an evil alien genesis from conquering the world.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
When to Vacume up Potted Soil on Carpets
If your kids (or dog) has gotten wet planter soil on your carpet: First, if you have kids or dogs I highly recommend if you have wall to wall carpets to get them stain mastered. You still might have to clean up stains with a stain remover but it will be a lot easier. A friend recommended that with wet soil you should let it dry completely before vacuuming. If you don't you risk the soil smearing across the carpet, thus making it harder to get out. After her two puppies pulled a potted plant apart in her living room I was allowed to test this advice. I let most of the soil dry for 24 hours. The other soil I vacuumed up right away. My friend was right. The wet soil which was vacuumed up straight away smeared this way and that into the carpet. The soil needed to be removed with a cleaning agent. However, when I vacuumed the dry soil it did not stain the carpet.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Picture book for early readers.
"A Sick Day for Amos McGee," by Philip C. Stead. Illustrated by Erin E. Stead. The story is simple and so are the illustrations. And this works. This is a brilliant picture book. Check out the facial expressions on Amos and the animals. They are terrific! Story line: Old Amos McGee works at the zoo. While there he makes time to visit his animal friends. One day he wakes up with a bad cold so doesn't go to work. Worried he's not at work his animal friends take a bus to visit him at his house. I won't divulge the picture on the last page, but it's very cute.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
How to Successfully take out a Tick
Tried and true tip- I'm writing this to help others who have had the unfortunate problem of getting a tick out their beloved dog's skin. (My friend used this same trick on her son with the same success.) I got this tip from a friend. It worked for me, but I take no responsibility for the outcome if you do it. To find out what my veterinarian recommends keep reading the whole article.
As my friend told me I got a cotton ball and soaked it in nail polish remover. I put the ball on the tick for two minutes. The tick did not like the smell of the nail polish remover so it started backing up. That’s when I took a clean pair of tweezers and counter clock wise turned and pulled the tick out at the base of the skin. I got the whole head of the tick and its body out. I then flushed the tick down the toilet. If you are worried the tick might not have really gotten flushed then first put the tick in a plastic container of ½ water and ½ rubbing alcohol to kill it. Then flush it. Dab bitten area with rubbing alcohol or antibacterial ointment.
My veterinarian recommends using a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol on a tick instead of nail polish remover. However, the first time I tried this the Q-tip did not have enough rubbing alcohol on it to cut off the tick’s air supply on its body (ticks breathe through their body). So I got a cotton ball, put rubbing alcohol on it and placed it on the tick to suffocate it. I kept it on for 5 minutes. The tick started coming out somewhat. I pinched the skin near it with my forefinger and thumb, then with a tweezers I pulled tick out successfully. However, when my dog got another tick I only kept the rubbing alcohol on for one minute before pulling. This time the head was left in. I called my Vet. He said to dab area where tick head was with rubbing alcohol for three days to make sure it did not get infected. He said the head should gradually come out and my dog should be okay, but that I should watch area for infection. End result: My dog did not get an infection and the tick head did come out in about two weeks.
My Vet Does Not recommend using a burnt match on a tick to get it out. You do not want to accidentally burn your dog (or your child). For puppies it is best to take tick out when they are sleepy and not moving around. Have someone hold wiggly puppy while you take tick out. If in doubt about how to take tick out, or if you are scared you might do it wrong, let a veterinarian (or docter) take it out. Where I live my Vet said there is not any outbreaks of Lyme disease, Rocky mountain fever, or other tick carrying diseases. But you should call your Vet in your area to see if there is a problem with these diseases. If so, your Vet will probably recommend that your dog gets a blood test if a tick bites them. If your child gets a tick call their docter to see if they should have a blood test!
As my friend told me I got a cotton ball and soaked it in nail polish remover. I put the ball on the tick for two minutes. The tick did not like the smell of the nail polish remover so it started backing up. That’s when I took a clean pair of tweezers and counter clock wise turned and pulled the tick out at the base of the skin. I got the whole head of the tick and its body out. I then flushed the tick down the toilet. If you are worried the tick might not have really gotten flushed then first put the tick in a plastic container of ½ water and ½ rubbing alcohol to kill it. Then flush it. Dab bitten area with rubbing alcohol or antibacterial ointment.
My veterinarian recommends using a Q-tip with rubbing alcohol on a tick instead of nail polish remover. However, the first time I tried this the Q-tip did not have enough rubbing alcohol on it to cut off the tick’s air supply on its body (ticks breathe through their body). So I got a cotton ball, put rubbing alcohol on it and placed it on the tick to suffocate it. I kept it on for 5 minutes. The tick started coming out somewhat. I pinched the skin near it with my forefinger and thumb, then with a tweezers I pulled tick out successfully. However, when my dog got another tick I only kept the rubbing alcohol on for one minute before pulling. This time the head was left in. I called my Vet. He said to dab area where tick head was with rubbing alcohol for three days to make sure it did not get infected. He said the head should gradually come out and my dog should be okay, but that I should watch area for infection. End result: My dog did not get an infection and the tick head did come out in about two weeks.
My Vet Does Not recommend using a burnt match on a tick to get it out. You do not want to accidentally burn your dog (or your child). For puppies it is best to take tick out when they are sleepy and not moving around. Have someone hold wiggly puppy while you take tick out. If in doubt about how to take tick out, or if you are scared you might do it wrong, let a veterinarian (or docter) take it out. Where I live my Vet said there is not any outbreaks of Lyme disease, Rocky mountain fever, or other tick carrying diseases. But you should call your Vet in your area to see if there is a problem with these diseases. If so, your Vet will probably recommend that your dog gets a blood test if a tick bites them. If your child gets a tick call their docter to see if they should have a blood test!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Know CPR & First Aid
I was a Red Cross First Aid and CPR Instructor so please take what I say today seriously. If you have young children make sure the cords on your blinds are up high. If they are hanging down low kids can get the cords wrapped around their necks, choking them. For home safety reasons know First Aid and CPR yourself. Plus, make sure anyone who takes care of your kids takes these classes. Also, have a card showing basic CPR and First Aid procedures on your frig in case you or a babysitter forgets what to do in an emergency. Call your local Red Cross, American Heart Assoc. or fire department for classes. Some fire departments offer classes free to the public. Find out if any fire departments in your area do.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Movie Review: Return of Nanny Mc Fee
Movie Title: Return of Nanny Mc Fee. Rated PG. This second movie was definitely not as good as the first. The plot was so-so. The overall budget seemed to be less this time around. The movie was watchable though.
Nanny Mc Fee has come to help out another family. (If you watch the first movie before the second, check out the rattle in the first that the baby holds. It's the same rattle in the second.) The mum in this family is trying to take care of the family farm while her husband is away fighting in the war. Her husband’s brother, who owes gambling debts, tries to get her to sell the farm. But she won't sell. Due to the war her children’s two rich cousins come and live with them. They are the poor relations. Nanny teaches the children five lessons. No fighting. Sharing. Help others. Be brave. And leap of faith.
What was funny in the movie: Pigs doing synchronized swimming.
What wasn't funny and rather troublesome: The kids trying to denote a bomb that fell into their field.
Nanny Mc Fee has come to help out another family. (If you watch the first movie before the second, check out the rattle in the first that the baby holds. It's the same rattle in the second.) The mum in this family is trying to take care of the family farm while her husband is away fighting in the war. Her husband’s brother, who owes gambling debts, tries to get her to sell the farm. But she won't sell. Due to the war her children’s two rich cousins come and live with them. They are the poor relations. Nanny teaches the children five lessons. No fighting. Sharing. Help others. Be brave. And leap of faith.
What was funny in the movie: Pigs doing synchronized swimming.
What wasn't funny and rather troublesome: The kids trying to denote a bomb that fell into their field.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Parenting Article- Help for Kids who Bully
This is a popular topic. I rewrote this article.
Is your child inconsiderate towards others while trying to get their own way? Is your child overly pushy or aggressive towards other kids, especially those kids who don't want to do what they want to do? Then as a parent step in and have a direct talk with your child about it. Change your child's pattern of treatment towards others.
As a parent if you see your child being a bully tackle the problem straight away. Whenever you see or hear that your child threatened another in order to get their way make sure they IMMEDIATELY get a consequence. The consequence will depend on how inappropriate the behavior was. If their teacher said they were being a bully during handball again you can send your child to their room directly afterschool (they can use the bathroom first). If your child doesn't mind this consequence then give them a consequence they do mind. DO NOT make an exception to your consequence. Such as you already made their favorite dessert so you don't make this a consequence or change it when you remember that you did. Quite frankly if you do make this a consequence it will make an impression on them. That bullying doesn't pay. Be firm. If they are a bully, X happens. Teach your child that being a bully or aggressively pushy has a negative result attached. If this aggressive behavior continues then take them out of situations where they are a bully or are being annoyingly bossy. Example: Your child is in an afterschool art program and the other kids, as well as the teacher, have repeatedly complained your child is a bully. Don't shrug off this behavior thinking you paid for the program and so what. Instead take your child out of this program. Yes, you might lose money but it will help your child in the end. Your child has a right to learn how to be a kind person. A person other people like to be around. It's your job to teach them how to be that person. If your child likes the art program tell them they can go again, after awhile, if they stop bullying other kids. And if the teacher let's them back in. If your child starts bullying other kids after coming back to the program take your child out again. Also, when you see for yourself or hear it from another adult that your child is catching himself and stopping his bullying/pushy behavior, reward it. Tell him, "Nice job buddy! I like how you handled that situation appropriately. For that I'm giving you 15-20 more minutes on the computer tonight." Reward positive behavior. Then a child will be more inclined to strive for it.
Other parents in your situation: One parent told me her son was very sweet until he started associating with a new group of kids. After spending time with these kids he became belligerent and bossy, even towards his old friends. If your child suddenly becomes mean and pushy find out if they are associating with new kids or if they are suddenly having problems fitting in socially. Going from grammar school to middle school can be tough on some kids. They want to fit in, even if it means becoming quarrelsome and mean to people they previously had not been. If you notice your child's new set of friends bullying other kids then maneuver your child to a new group of friends. Enroll your child in different electives or programs so they have a chance to meet kids with kinder personalities. Another reason your child could have started being a bully is that someone else started bullying them. Your child is now taking their frustration out on another child. Watch how your child interacts with other kids starting at a young age. Is your child kind? Do they share? Or are they sassy or impolite to other kids? See for yourself what is happening. Make sure they know bullying is the wrong choice to make.
The pushy parent. This past summer I was with a friend watching her child during the child's swim lesson. As the child swam my friend asked the swim teacher a question. The teacher starting answering when another parent rudely butted in and stated she had an important issue to address, which was her child stubbornly refused to do a particular swim move. The teacher said she would be with this parent in a minute. As the teacher continued her discussion with my friend the inconsiderate parent insisted her issue was more important. She adamantly claimed it needed to be addressed right away. In actuality it didn't need to be addressed right away. I believe this parent was being aggressively pushy. I'm sure she had done this before and kept doing it because it got results. A bully might do this too. They do it to get their way. Once they don't get their way by being a bully they will curb their behavior. Remember Monkey see, Monkey do. If your child sees you or your spouse forcing your will on other adults they are more likely to do the same. Do you want your child to grow up being feared or disliked by others? Then make sure you act politely and kindly yourself. Also make sure their siblings, friends and other adults they are around act appropriately as well. Aggressively bossy behavior is not a positive social attribute. If you tend to be extremely bossy think about this: Were either of your parents aggressively pushy or overbearing when you were growing up? If they were, you might have learned this behavior from watching them.
As far as your child, do not get into the vicious cycle of letting your child repeatedly defend why they were a bully. This is a trap some parents fall into. It's nice that as parent you want to listen to your child, but make it a rule that you don't want to hear any excuses for bullying. I've seen kids try using different arguments for why they were a bully. "He wouldn't give me the ball when I asked." "She refused to get out of my way." "He knew I liked the red jelly beans." These are not reasons to scare, threaten, or intimidate others with physical harm. Do not let your child get you into a long winded discussion about why they did what they did. It was wrong. Period. You both know it. End of discussion. Later you can calmly discuss ways they could have handled the situation better. Even if you've done this before, even many times, do it again. You can add, "We've been over this before. And when I see you acting the appropriate way I will note it." If your child pouts or has a temper tantrum don't give in.
Is your child inconsiderate towards others while trying to get their own way? Is your child overly pushy or aggressive towards other kids, especially those kids who don't want to do what they want to do? Then as a parent step in and have a direct talk with your child about it. Change your child's pattern of treatment towards others.
As a parent if you see your child being a bully tackle the problem straight away. Whenever you see or hear that your child threatened another in order to get their way make sure they IMMEDIATELY get a consequence. The consequence will depend on how inappropriate the behavior was. If their teacher said they were being a bully during handball again you can send your child to their room directly afterschool (they can use the bathroom first). If your child doesn't mind this consequence then give them a consequence they do mind. DO NOT make an exception to your consequence. Such as you already made their favorite dessert so you don't make this a consequence or change it when you remember that you did. Quite frankly if you do make this a consequence it will make an impression on them. That bullying doesn't pay. Be firm. If they are a bully, X happens. Teach your child that being a bully or aggressively pushy has a negative result attached. If this aggressive behavior continues then take them out of situations where they are a bully or are being annoyingly bossy. Example: Your child is in an afterschool art program and the other kids, as well as the teacher, have repeatedly complained your child is a bully. Don't shrug off this behavior thinking you paid for the program and so what. Instead take your child out of this program. Yes, you might lose money but it will help your child in the end. Your child has a right to learn how to be a kind person. A person other people like to be around. It's your job to teach them how to be that person. If your child likes the art program tell them they can go again, after awhile, if they stop bullying other kids. And if the teacher let's them back in. If your child starts bullying other kids after coming back to the program take your child out again. Also, when you see for yourself or hear it from another adult that your child is catching himself and stopping his bullying/pushy behavior, reward it. Tell him, "Nice job buddy! I like how you handled that situation appropriately. For that I'm giving you 15-20 more minutes on the computer tonight." Reward positive behavior. Then a child will be more inclined to strive for it.
Other parents in your situation: One parent told me her son was very sweet until he started associating with a new group of kids. After spending time with these kids he became belligerent and bossy, even towards his old friends. If your child suddenly becomes mean and pushy find out if they are associating with new kids or if they are suddenly having problems fitting in socially. Going from grammar school to middle school can be tough on some kids. They want to fit in, even if it means becoming quarrelsome and mean to people they previously had not been. If you notice your child's new set of friends bullying other kids then maneuver your child to a new group of friends. Enroll your child in different electives or programs so they have a chance to meet kids with kinder personalities. Another reason your child could have started being a bully is that someone else started bullying them. Your child is now taking their frustration out on another child. Watch how your child interacts with other kids starting at a young age. Is your child kind? Do they share? Or are they sassy or impolite to other kids? See for yourself what is happening. Make sure they know bullying is the wrong choice to make.
The pushy parent. This past summer I was with a friend watching her child during the child's swim lesson. As the child swam my friend asked the swim teacher a question. The teacher starting answering when another parent rudely butted in and stated she had an important issue to address, which was her child stubbornly refused to do a particular swim move. The teacher said she would be with this parent in a minute. As the teacher continued her discussion with my friend the inconsiderate parent insisted her issue was more important. She adamantly claimed it needed to be addressed right away. In actuality it didn't need to be addressed right away. I believe this parent was being aggressively pushy. I'm sure she had done this before and kept doing it because it got results. A bully might do this too. They do it to get their way. Once they don't get their way by being a bully they will curb their behavior. Remember Monkey see, Monkey do. If your child sees you or your spouse forcing your will on other adults they are more likely to do the same. Do you want your child to grow up being feared or disliked by others? Then make sure you act politely and kindly yourself. Also make sure their siblings, friends and other adults they are around act appropriately as well. Aggressively bossy behavior is not a positive social attribute. If you tend to be extremely bossy think about this: Were either of your parents aggressively pushy or overbearing when you were growing up? If they were, you might have learned this behavior from watching them.
As far as your child, do not get into the vicious cycle of letting your child repeatedly defend why they were a bully. This is a trap some parents fall into. It's nice that as parent you want to listen to your child, but make it a rule that you don't want to hear any excuses for bullying. I've seen kids try using different arguments for why they were a bully. "He wouldn't give me the ball when I asked." "She refused to get out of my way." "He knew I liked the red jelly beans." These are not reasons to scare, threaten, or intimidate others with physical harm. Do not let your child get you into a long winded discussion about why they did what they did. It was wrong. Period. You both know it. End of discussion. Later you can calmly discuss ways they could have handled the situation better. Even if you've done this before, even many times, do it again. You can add, "We've been over this before. And when I see you acting the appropriate way I will note it." If your child pouts or has a temper tantrum don't give in.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Book Review- Chapter Book
Sorry I've been out of town for awhile, but I'm back.
Chapter Book for fourth to seventh graders. "The Scarlet Slipper Mystery," by Carolyn Keene. This is only one Nancy Drew book from a large selection that's available. For the most part, girls like this mystery series best. Carolyn Keene is the factitious name given for the many writers who have penned the series. Mildred Benson wrote 23 of the books. The beloved series has lasted over seventy five years. This book is an innocent clean mystery. No cussing, teenage age pregnancy or kids on drugs. Sometimes it's nice to just pick up a book for a good read and not have to worry about it being a platform for the author's opinions. Maybe that's why this series has lasted so long. I just finished The Scarlet Slipper Mystery and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an easy read with lots of adventure. The main character is a teenage amateur detective named Nancy Drew. Her father is Carson Drew, a lawyer. With the aid of her neighbor and boyfriend Ned, Nancy and two friends help a ballet dancer and her artist brother who are being threatened. While trying to help them Nancy gets pushed down stairs, kidnapped, and escapes a burning building. Nancy seems to have nerves of steel. But can Nancy find out what the numbers mean from a piece of paper she finds in a cracked vase? This case involves stolen gems and ballet painting. I like the unusual way the writer hides the gems.
Chapter Book for fourth to seventh graders. "The Scarlet Slipper Mystery," by Carolyn Keene. This is only one Nancy Drew book from a large selection that's available. For the most part, girls like this mystery series best. Carolyn Keene is the factitious name given for the many writers who have penned the series. Mildred Benson wrote 23 of the books. The beloved series has lasted over seventy five years. This book is an innocent clean mystery. No cussing, teenage age pregnancy or kids on drugs. Sometimes it's nice to just pick up a book for a good read and not have to worry about it being a platform for the author's opinions. Maybe that's why this series has lasted so long. I just finished The Scarlet Slipper Mystery and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an easy read with lots of adventure. The main character is a teenage amateur detective named Nancy Drew. Her father is Carson Drew, a lawyer. With the aid of her neighbor and boyfriend Ned, Nancy and two friends help a ballet dancer and her artist brother who are being threatened. While trying to help them Nancy gets pushed down stairs, kidnapped, and escapes a burning building. Nancy seems to have nerves of steel. But can Nancy find out what the numbers mean from a piece of paper she finds in a cracked vase? This case involves stolen gems and ballet painting. I like the unusual way the writer hides the gems.
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