Movie Title: Send Me No Flowers. Comedy. A classic. Family movie for older kids, nine and up.
The set up is quite good. Take a hypochondriac. Have said hypochondriac overhear a conversation his doctor is having about a patient's terminal illness. Have him now think the doctor was talking about him. Even though the doctor wasn't. Rock Hudson plays George Kimball a mild mannered hypochondriac. Doris Day plays his supportive wife, Judy, who puts up with all his imaginary aliments. With the help of his neighbor (Tony Randall) George sets out to find Judy a new husband when he thinks he's dying. When Judy finds out George really isn't dying she teaches him a lesson. Hudson, Day and Randall are terrific in this comedy. Send Me No Flowers is very funny. I recommend it. For kids nine or ten and up. Younger kids might get bored.