Make Homemade Ice Cream
(This is a great Father’s Day Project).
What you need:
1- Plastic freezer strength zip lock bag, storage size.
2- Another plastic freezer strength zip lock bag, gallon size.
3- ¼ cup of sugar.
4- ¼ cup of whole milk.
5- 2/3 cup of heavy whipping cream.
6- 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
7- Rock salt.
8- Ice.
9- Spoon and bowls.
What to do:
1- Have your child pour sugar, milk, whipping cream and vanilla in smaller zip lock bag.
2- Stir ingredients with spoon.
3- Make sure you seal this bag completely. This is important. Triple check if you must. You do not want rock salt to get into this bag!!!
4- Now pour about 3 ½ cups of ice into larger zip lock bag.
5- You the parent carefully sprinkle about ½ cup of rock salt over the ice.
6- Put smaller zip lock into larger zip lock bag.
7- If you have gloves, let your child put them on first.
8- Shake bag. Keep shaking for around twelve minutes. You might need to help shake bag, or two or more children can help shake.
9- After twelve minutes of shaking take smaller bag out of larger bag. Fully wipe the outside of smaller bag with paper towel before opening it. Throw away larger bag.
10- You can eat the ice cream now. Or put ice cream in new zip lock freezer bag, freeze, and eat later.