If you get a stain on clothing that needs to be dry cleaned, this includes children's suits, be careful. Take to dry cleaners. Hand washing such fabric could ruin item!!
For clothes that don't need dry cleaning or don't have special cleaning instructions:
Wash out stain as soon as possible. This makes a difference! I recommend doing a load of laundry right away but at least wash stain with soap in cold water and let soak. For blood stains my mom used to soak the stain overnight in milk. Sometimes this worked, sometimes the item just smelled of milk. Be careful with any fabrics you do this with. I take no responsibility. That said I can recommend something my sister, sister-in-law, two of my friends and I use, it’s Carbona. They have different spot removers for different stains. Look for their little bottles in the detergent aisle of your grocery store. This stuff has worked for me.