Some little kids wet their beds. They shouldn't be shamed for having accidents. Patience is what is needed. Some kids have weak bladder muscles, some could be going through sad times, others sleep so soundly they don't heed the call of nature as well as others. The following are some suggestions for bed wetting:
1) Have your child pee before going to sleep. Some kids read in bed so have them go pee before getting into bed and then again before going to sleep.
2) Don't give your child full glasses of water right before bed (but don't let them go to bed parched).
3) Encourage them to drink, or drink more water/milk, during dinner so they have time to pee before bed. But don't let them fill up on liquids/milk to the point they don't eat their dinner.
4) Grousing or yelling at your child about bed wetting will only stress them out more. And make them feel bad about themselves. So don't do it.
5) For easier clean up, put a zip up plastic cover over the mattress. Some parents have tried putting plastic liners over areas, but if the liner moves, the mattress could get wet. I recommend buying a cover for the whole mattress. Put a washable mattress pad over the plastic for comfort. In the end this is cheaper than buying a new mattress. It also lowers frustration levels because clean up is easier.
6) Make a dry bed chart to encourage your child to have a dry bed. So many nights of a dry bed equals more time on the computer or an outing at an ice cream parlor.
7) I knew of one parent who swore her six-year-old peed in bed when she got mad at the parent. She said her child knew it upset her to have to wash the sheets and wipe the plastic lining down. If you really think this is the case with your older child have them take off their own sheets and put them in the laundry room and have them wipe down their own plastic lining. And teach them to make their own bed. A few times of this and they might not pee in bed to get back at you. It worked for this parent. If the peeing continues out of anger your child might need to speak to a psychologist.